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By purchasing a flower share from Hope & Hill Flower Co., either for yourself or as a gift, you agree to the following terms and conditions as the recipient:


I understand that by purchasing a flower share, whether for myself or someone else, my spot has been reserved for me in the respective flower share. There are no refunds for cancellation of my flower share once purchased.


I understand that if I am gifting a flower share, I will communicate with the recipient the terms and conditions of their gifted flower share.



By purchasing a flower share, I am aware that Hope & Hill Flower Co. will email me with an order confirmation, as well as updates and reminders, and that it is my responsibility to contact Hope & Hill Flower Co. via email if I do not receive an order confirmation within 24 hours of purchase, and/or if I have not received any flower share pickup email communications by July 1st. I agree to add to my email contact list, in addition to checking spam/promotion tabs and folders to avoid missing any email communications. I will not hold Hope & Hill Flower Co. responsible for missed pick ups due to failure to add to my contact list and therefore missing important emails. I agree to forfeit any flowers not picked up due to missed email communications or for any reason whatsoever.



I understand that Hope & Hill Flower Co. reserves the right to change the pick up dates and/or times of the flower share, based on external factors such as weather conditions, crop bloom times, store hour changes, etc. I am also aware that Hope & Hill Flower Co. reserves the right to change my pickup location to a different store/location in the same town selected, based on external factors such as store closing, store hours changing, etc. I understand that it is my responsibility to pick up the flower bouquets at the selected pickup location and the designated time frame available. I understand that if I need to miss a pick up, I can have a friend or family member pick it up for me, or I will forfeit my subscription for that week. I understand that Hope & Hill Flower Co. cannot accommodate pick ups outside of the designated pick up days & time frames that I signed up for and agreed to. 



I understand that flowers are a perishable product, with a variable vase life of 5-7+ days. I understand that all flowers were harvested in peak condition, and that all varieties have a different vase life, dependent on care. I understand that flower shares picked up the second available pickup day (Wednesday), will have a shorter vase life than those picked up the first available pickup day (Tuesday). Hope & Hill Flower Co. provides flower care instructions at the start of each flower subscription. Hope & Hill Flower Co. will not be held responsible for poor vase life or flower quality due to improper flower care once I receive my flowers.​


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